Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kates Playground Look Alike

remember the fall gives USSR, it was August 1991. The capitalist system's ideological machine, well oiled and seamless flooded us every day, and in all media with information showing that this had been "real socialism", a "outdated, bureaucratic, corrupt, no options consumerist" in such circumstances to defend a socialist model, was presented as anti-evolutionists dinosaur. Were four intense months in this crash and the Maastricht meeting of heads of state of the EU. There aborted dissident thought the capitalist offensive was launched in Europe by signing a treaty in force until 1999, which initiated the first phase of dismantling the public sector, privatization was initiated without control of companies and public agencies, labor market deregulation ( ETTs, garbage contracts, reduce the performance of INEM, Toledo Pact of Social Security reform, tax reform to tax cuts for high earners and businesses) and the full privatization of the financial system, selling the public bank represented in the total bank from 25% English case (grouped and sold in the BBV Argentaria, which changed its name to BBVA) to over 50% in other EU countries like France. While the left converted extolled the benefits of globalization, and claimed to be a citizen of the world.

Following the success of the Maastricht Treaty and three months after its expiry in March 2000, the new heads of state of the EU met in Lisbon and marked the second phase of dismantling the public sector, delving into lighten "the protection social spending part of his weight to the private sector (in 2008 Hegoalde 40% of health spending has been managed by the private sector). The third phase was initiated in 2010, but the crisis has accelerated and has launched the final stage of dismantling the labor market and social protection. With public sector debt, lowering their taxes on the rich, they eliminate the estate tax, and gives them extensive tax holidays and permissibility of fraud and opting to run the increasingly scarce public funds to the banking and cement lobby, "no money" to address the chronic insecurity of the majority of society. In addition, legislation to continue making cheaper now masked dismissal EREs, to cancel unpayable fines voice calling HIRU unions as dignity, and to criminalize terrorist acts shares of the strike.

With all intended to float the capitalist model. But this model is not only economic predator, is based on the ruthless exploitation of nonrenewable resources of the planet in a tight ideological control to be imposed on the entire educational system and be made at the University to be transmitted by future managers (Bologna), in psychological manipulation of fear and constant anxiety, which is accelerating mental and psychosomatic diseases (stress, anxiety, depression, ,..); tumor growth in patriarchy and gender constant submission, to channel all that in a continuing violence, in countries using poorest who are crushed by our growing footprint (consume the resources of an area 3 times that Euskal Herria).

In 2009 it appears that the crisis is economic and ecological crisis, health, values, gender relations, it is truly a paradigm crisis of civilization developed by capitalism. So when assessing what is happening, no one can understand the resignation, and / or lukewarm responses from the social sectors. This lack of response is more striking when more than 15 years have existed World Forums, critical thinkers, committed left, who have raised their voices to proclaim the unsustainability prevailing neoliberal model. And now, at the peak of capital offense speaks very little of these alternative proposals, much less move into the class cohesion. Meanwhile, controlled fear, the necessity of the mortgage, the teleberris on tourism of the "bridge" and the permanent government marketing, all contribute to demobilize and paralyze the will of those who ought to be active against exchange

this global crisis can not forget that politicians are public managers of capitalism using public money, labor and social legislation, and the "security and public order" to strengthen system. In this crisis his performance is to serve the same masters, allowing the capital take advantage of the economic and financial crisis to bring even more tightly to the work force and dismantling the welfare state product of class struggle and advance of socialism in 1945.

The fact that today is politically incorrect to speak of class and class power exercised through politics and the media, leads to not understanding the reality around us. Among other tasks

Euskal Herria awaits the development of a new political economy, fertilized in the practice of critical thinking about power. Also the challenge of understanding Public Sector radical in the sense of discovering that our entire existence is conditioned by political and economic design that is built from the oligarchy of class to turn us build us in our daily economic relations, extending the work , housing, consumption, etc. This discovery is magnificent as we reveal things, ourselves, could it be otherwise and therefore we can decide what public sector, economic model, what lifestyle we want, ultimately our true self. Country

Abian, two words and a few wills coupled. The spring starts small, are all water grooves are attached to form the river is flowing and you go to other rivers converge, and that at any given time it grows and destroys bridges and dikes. You're just a drop, I'm just a drop, but with thousands of women and men of the river Euskalherria we transformed the desert that capitalism creates the fertile valley of fruit shared. We offer an historic opportunity to be agents of change, to join class interests, to lay the foundations of a new model of civilization. Country

Abian. flowing water change on the horizon Utopia. "Utopia is not an illusion, utopia is not still around, and it would be possible there were, and may have reached, through a revolutionary practice of dialectical imagination, and despite the reactionary ideologies "(Alfonso Sastre, imagination, rhetoric and wishful thinking)

Nekane Jury. Economist

Signer HERRIAabian Platform!


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