Monday, January 3, 2011

Sample Ofa Community Service Letter

ignoble Nobel Prizes ...

Created by Marc Abrahams, director of the Annals of Improbable Research, the awards are given annually in various categories of research . Like every year, never missed a dose of bad milk, as is the case of IgNobel of Economics, awarded to Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, AIG and other banks the world on track towards economic, to "create and promote new ways to invest money, ways to maximize financial gains and minimize financial risk of the global economy, or a portion thereof. " The appointment is textual. None of the winners went to collect the prize. Nor did

responsible for BP, graced with the IgNobel Chemistry to disprove the old belief that oil and water in this case the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, do not mix.
attended the Dutch Simon Rietveld and Ilja van Beest, psychologists at the universities of Amsterdam and Leiden, respectively, awarded in the category of Medicine for an unusual study published in Behaviour Research and Therapy (2007; 45:977-987).

wanted to see how positive and negative stress affects the breath of people with severe asthma, for which young women recruited 25 asthmatics and 15 controls. How conducted the experiment? Simple. The all repeatedly mounted on a roller coaster.

may seem a shocking way of doing science, but after all got their results and published, which is no small feat. They say that negative emotional stress and increased blood pressure just before the roller coaster ride, while the positive stress and heart rate were increased after each trip. In the case of patients with asthma, dyspnea was greater before installing it after getting off, "even those that experienced a reduction in lung function evoked by the roller coaster," they write.

In conclusion, asserts that "individuals with chronic asthma who are stressed and excited tend to perceive dyspnea in terms of family and acquired associations between dyspnea and states positive and negative emotional. " That is, they perceive difficulty breathing so increased or decreased depending on their degree of attraction or aversion to the situation of stress triggers. In a way, it also means they tend to breathe better after a few downs, loops and corkscrews. In fact, the IgNobel these researchers were granted "for discovering that asthma symptoms can be treated with rollercoaster rides."

So, doctors, already know: recommend a couple of trips on the Dragon Khan and forget inhalers as prescribed visits to Port Aventura, Warner Park Terra Mitica-provided or who do not pay public health-can be an innovative way to reduce drug costs.



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