Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Plymouth

The City Council of Vigo acknowledges, 40 years later, the illegality of Vigozoo

On last April 28 was published in the Gazette Galicia (DOG), an announcement that the Science Park Zoo Vigo, ask the Management of Urban Municipal Mayor of Vigo, the business license as a zoological park. It is confirmed, thus the illegal situation repeatedly denounced by Friends of the Earth and systematically denied by different Department of Environment, which had the city during these years. The Councillor for Environment
Vigo expressed publicly on several ocasións que Vigozoo non necesitaba dita licenza. Para Amigos da Terra, o anuncio público da petición da mesma no DOG, é un claro exemplo da incompetencia e da manipulación informativa que algúns políticos fan coa cidadanía.
A asociación ecoloxista leva denunciando a ilegalidade do zoo desde fai máis de dez anos: “A necesidade de que estas instalacións se adecúen á normativa existente é garantía de salvagarda dos visitantes do zoo e garantía do benestar dos animais, xa que, doutro modo estase aceptando polo Concello os posibles contratempos que puideran devir dunha situación que non se axusta aos contidos das normas”, afirmou Montse Valencia, asesora xurídica de Amigos Earth.
Since the entity contactouse with the Community of Mountains of Teis (legitimate owners of land where subpoenas the zoo with judicial recognition) to raise complaints jointly with the request, since it is asking for a license to a third party property to the City Council of Vigo. The process of license application will be exposed to public information, to make the comments from those affected. Friends of the Earth
Vigozoo reiterates that should be closed as such, and enjoy the facilities, personnel and land in the same (once compensated Hills Community Teis) as a support center for the recovery of native fauna, farm and nursery school forest.
"They are 40 years of illegality, with the zoo that was illegal with the PSOE, the PP and the BNG, because all ruled the City of Vigo and no one approved the legality of the park. Had to be the European Union that forced him to rectify the situation, "denounced from the environmental association.


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