Sunday, May 1, 2011

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The art of healing through universal life energy

What is Reiki?
Reiki was discovered by Mikao Usui Sensei (1865-1926).
The word Reiki comes from Japanese word consisting of two ideographic characters of Chinese origin, part of Kanji Rei symbolizes the will of God and the full Rei Kanji meaning deity, or sublime, spirit, soul, the sacred. The second Kanji Ki stands for energy, then it means that Reiki is the most sublime and spiritual energy of all the energies of the universe. (Typically tells universal life energy)
The space around us, the universe is full of boundless energy is infinite which is expressed in many ways one of them is the vital energy (which is part of Reiki) that keeps us alive , this life force itself has many names according to different civilizations. Hindus call it Prana, The Polynesian Huna called Mana, the Hebrew Ruach, in Baraka Islamic countries and the Chinese Chi. The Japanese call it Ki, and this is the root that appears in the word Reiki.
The Reiki energy is the very source of life and a reality prior to any philosophical system or religioso.El Reiki is not a religion, not part of religion, is independent of beliefs. (Each Reikista have their own philosophy of life that invariably have to do with his style of work.)
Reiki comes from the Universal Source of love, light and harmony and is present in all living things. It is the essence of who we are as human beings. When we try to define exactly Reiki is like trying to catch the water with his hands, she will travez fingers.
Reiki therapy is also an original, based on the spiritual power of the universe that makes healthy humans, increasing peace of mind and joy of living.
When our Ki (vital energy) is strong, we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. When our Ki is very low, we get sick or unbalanced in several ways.
One of the ways we can refuel Life Force is using Reiki.
When a Reiki practitioner makes contact through the hands, self-treatment or treatment to another person, transmitting that energy (not his power but is Reiki happens). Reiki balances, harmonizes and unblocked, activates the vital energy, increases the ability to heal itself and enhances the healing effects of the drug, also has an effect on all living beings, animals and plants and inanimate things. When we experience Reiki feel calm and relax us from this state of stillness and harmony. Karmas are purified and trauma. In the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing can also occur and healing.
Reiki as a complementary therapy is applicable (does not replace the doctor), is excellent for reducing stress and strengthening the immune system. For synergy and multiplier many healing practitioners and physical therapists psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists and so on., have started to combine Reiki healing methods they use regularly.
To Transmittion Reiki is not necessary that we work or concentrate, just put your hands flowing the required amount, the energy goes straight to where the recipient needs healing, Reiki goes to the causes of the disease. At the start of treatment energy can start working on a totally different level than we thought.
Reiki is the starting point for lighting, along with the beliefs of each can be raised by self-purification and meditation, thus achieving personal fulfillment

Introduction to Reiki Level One

a ancient healing art of channeling energy that was rediscovered in Japan in the late nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui, through his research on ancient Sanskrit texts of Buddhist sutras Tibetan origin. Rei means universal cosmic energy, invisible and omnipresent. Ki defines the life force latent within the human being. Reiki is the union of these two words, Universal Life Energy.

Reiki energy flows after the initiation through the hands of the healer, acting in all human dimensions: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, being a road healing and inner development.

Tier First Grade permanently open channel healing through the initiation or tuning, and allows the insider the ability to transfer energy, in particular at the physical body, through the imposition hand making contact in different parts of the body.
First Degree Initiation is available to all without any limitation, and does not need any experience or preparation. In practice, the initiation is given in a single day and consists of an initiation where up energy blockages, physical, mental and emotional and awaken and balance the self-healing powers. Align and harmonize the chakras, releasing the energy flow axis in the subtle bodies of each person.
When universal energy flows are started full of life and energy, radiating light, power, love and healing. The life force gives the person the ability to transmit channels through his hands. This channel is amplified the more you use, both for healing self-conscious as that of others, and it is never lost, but remains a lifetime.

The First Degree, after initiation and purification, are given instructions the use of this energy with laying on of hands, teaching the sequence for the practice of a complete self-healing session and also to provide treatment to others. These impositions of hands cover the whole physical body, harmonizing the subtle bodies simultaneously. The practice of these sequences after initiation education reinforces and ensures a perfect theoretical and practical understanding of the energy transfer process and allows the work started as a channel of healing.

The Effects of Reiki Reiki therapeutic effects generally produce a comprehensive and multidimensional harmonization in different areas of life, transforming and internal development:

• You stimulate and awaken the inner forces of self-healing.
• It balances the energy centers and circuits and metabolic functions of the body.
• It relieves muscle tension and pain.
• repressed emotions are released, harmonizing in the process of psycho-emotional sphere of the individual.
• Increases energy level, providing physical and emotional vitality, organic revitalization and rejuvenation of the whole organism.
• There is a state of deep relaxation, mental calmness and serenity of spirit.
• Develop and expand consciousness through a progressive state and intimate self-knowledge.

Topics to be developed:

* History of Reiki
* What is Vital Energy
* The Main Chakras energy centers in the body
* Principles of Reiki
* Treatment - Position of hands
* Different Exercises and modalities * Transmission
practices of the two sacred symbols for the 1 st level: one of the Usui System of Japanese and traditional

Material Certificates will be awarded First Level
Roxanne Cecile D'Angiola
Psychologist and Reiki Master.


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